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The Prophecy of Caiaphas

I know.  I never send out newsletters on Saturday.  We are all trying to step away for our computers for the weekend, and trust me, I’m about to do that, too.  In fact, after an incredibly hectic last couple of months, I’m going to try to be offline for the whole coming Holy Week to do some retreat time for myself.  In preparation, I have done a good amount of reading in the last couple weeks on Caiaphas and the many ways of understanding his statement: “You do not understand that it is better for you to have one man die for the people than


The Last Laugh

So, once again I am trapped in the middle seat of a long flight.  This one to Seattle where I will be working with the pastoral administrators of the Archdiocese at their annual gathering.  I’ve had the privilege of working with them several times now and this time I’ll be sharing for the first time material from my current writing project on Redeeming Power.  I’m a little nervous about this… and also very excited.  Curious to see how the research I’ve done will intersect with their experience in parish life.

Passionist retreat center

Super sale on two of my books!

Yes, it’s either feast or famine.  Sometimes you don’t hear from me for weeks on end and then sometimes I write only a few days after you last heard from me.  Perhaps it is because I am trapped on a plane in the wee hours of the morning en route to Denver for the Mennonite Health Assembly.  I always think that I am going to do some major thinking whenever I have a long flight.  Here I am undisturbed for four hours with noise-blocking headphones.  I could write a whole chapter!  Maybe half a book!

Monastery of Holy Spirit

Compline Reflections

The rain is a steady drip outside my window right now and I’ve just returned from Compline, which at the Trappist monastery in Conyers, GA is prayed entirely in the dark.  The monks have all the psalms memorized, so it is not a problem for them.  For me… well, I’m content to just listen.  Many of the words I cannot quite catch.  They echo because the church is large and we are few and the voices a bit faint.  But the Canticle of Simeon… that I can recognize: “Now, Lord, you can let your servant go in peace.” 

Carol P and Janet

The Sparkle of Connection

This past week I have had the extraordinary blessing of being in Florida for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd catechist formation.  It’s a blessing because… well, it is Florida… and it is warm.  Not to be underestimated after a semester in the middle of Minnesota.  But more so because I’ve gotten to be with a whole course of wonderful people including my dear sister (Happy birthday, Janet!) and longtime catechist Carol P.    Carol and I have crossed paths in the CGS world on any number of occasions—not only in Florida, but in South Dakota.  When

milky way

On Incarnation and the Stars

Happy New Year!  I hope that you have enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) a wonderful Christmas season.  I have finally made it back home to Atlanta as of yesterday after spending the fall semester in Collegeville, Minnesota and am now set upon the urgent task of fixing my windshield (which somehow go a large crack in the journey) and fixing my hair (which has me currently looking like a banshee).  Hopefully both of these will be remedied within a week, before I set out for a couple of CGS courses in Florida—the best way I know to bounce back from the cold of Minnesot

Stella Maris

Learning to Walk on Water

The Stella Maris Chapel is a two mile walk from St. John’s Abbey on a winding path along the edge of Lake Sagatagan.  For much of the year, there are points along the path that you can no longer see the chapel because the foliage is so thick—green in summer, gold in the fall.  But then suddenly the chapel will reappear before you like a jewel on an island in the middle of the water and a short plank bridge crossing over to it.


John the Baptist's DNA test

Gosh, it is hard to believe that it is Advent already.  I say that every year, and this year I’ve had plenty of time to anticipate its arrival.  We’ve had snow on the ground at Collegeville already since November 10.  Nevertheless, it has caught me unaware yet again… even as all the readings the first week are about staying awake and being ready.