
Catholic theologian Ann M. Garrido—author of the award-winning books Redeeming Administration and Redeeming Conflict—continues her work on Christian leadership by examining power not as a manipulative force in short supply but as Jesus understood it: an abundant good meant to be shared and put to use for the sake of harmony and holiness.
In Redeeming Power, Garrido helps you develop a spirituality of power by considering the skills and personal qualities that will enable a healthy and holy use of power in your role as one who leads. Garrido explores key passages from the creation stories of Genesis where we find the roots of how Jesus understood power. She shows how God shares divine power with all humans and calls leaders to specific ways of exercising power that will benefit the people and institutions they serve. (Be sure to check out the podcast and other related resources under the "Help Yourself" tab.)
Release date: February 16, 2024.
Do you behave on social media as the Christian you want to be? Are you dismayed at the often divisive and cruel exchanges you read online? In #Rules_of_Engagement, Ann Garrido shares eight practical habits that will help you align your activity in the digital world with the call of the Gospel to be Christ's presence in the world. 2022 Third Place Award by the Catholic Media Association. Be sure to check out related resources at "Help Yourself".
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The word “truth” appears in the Bible more than 200 times. But many believe that we find ourselves in a “post-truth” society today. Garrido argues that truth is such a central theme in Christianity that it is the duty of preachers and teachers to talk about it, to know the Catholic tradition’s wisdom on it, and to share it in a way that can be understood and remembered. 2021 Second Place Award by the Catholic Media Association. (Be sure to check out related resources under ”Help Yourself”)
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It seems counterintuitive: conflict can be a blessing. But Catholic theologian and conflict mediator Ann Garrido identifies conflict as a fruitful exchange that arises from living and working together in the diverse world God created. Garrido offers twelve practical habits for responding to conflict, pairs each habit with a spiritual companion from history, and offers questions and prayers for growth. Winner of 2016 Association Catholic Publishers’ Award. (Be sure to check out related resources under ”Help Yourself”)
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Ann Garrido admits that she sometimes finds administration draining, even boring, as it fractures her days into "tiny shards of time" that make it impossible to focus on "the big ideas." And yet Garrido has found spiritual gifts in her many years as an administrator in church life. In Redeeming Administration, she reveals those gifts by examining twelve spiritual habits—presenting a saint who embodies each habit—and showing readers how to experience their administrative work as a crucial ministry of the Church. Winner of a 2014 Catholic Press Award. (Be sure to check out related resources under ”Help Yourself”)
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For over 15 years, Ann Garrido preached regularly at Aquinas Institute of Theology—a school of theology and ministry in the Dominican tradition. Preaching to the Choir includes forty selections of Garrido’s preaching, providing a window into the way the Word of God intersects with particular events in a community’s history and the author’s own life. All profits from sale of this book go to support scholarships for students at the Institute.
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Preaching in congregations with many children is one of the most difficult challenges many preachers face. Whether you are a priest, deacon, catechist, or prayer leader, this book offers practical help in crafting specific homilies for children. Drawing on insights gleaned within the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Garrido helps preachers understand key characteristics of childhood and children’s spirituality and presents ways to reflect on Scripture through the lens of the young child. Preachers will discover that they are preaching with children, rather than preaching to them. (If you are looking for Mustard Seed Preaching, please consider this text instead. After almost 20 years, Mustard Seed Preaching which went out of print in 2021.)
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A Year with Sofia Cavalletti: Daily Reflections on the Spiritual and Theological Influences of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd provides a short excerpt for each day from significant theologians and scholars who informed Cavalletti’s understanding of Scripture, liturgy, and the spiritual life, as well as a question for further meditation. A brief biography of the writer introduces each chapter.
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The Living Gospel devotional prayer books for Lent and Advent offer practical insights and spiritual wisdom from popular Catholic preachers and speakers. Garrido’s reflections for Advent 2016 invite Christians to embrace the living Word of God as revealed in the daily Gospel readings and in their everyday lives. Each day offers a simple, five-step blueprint with brief gospel verses, prayers, incisive reflection on the Word of God, and a specific challenge for ongoing spiritual growth.
Available at: Amazon
Award-winning author and preaching expert Ann Garrido will be your guide through Lent to help you reflect on and explore the themes of the most solemn season of the Church year. At the end of the forty days, you’ll come away with a deeper conversion of heart than you ever thought possible. Daily Devotions for Lent 2018 includes two-page devotions for every day of Lent—from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. Each entry offers brief Bible verses, prayers, an insightful reflection on the Gospel readings by Garrido, and specific, easy-to-do exercises to lead you prayerfully through the season of repentance to the joy of Easter.
Available at: Amazon